Women are victims of unbelievably horrific atrocities and injustices in conflict situations. Their experience of shame, harm and silence in violent conflict environments is pervasive, their redress for the most part non-existent.

Shalom-SCCRR has been consistent in its methodology of working with women which are based on upholding the value of women regardless of class, age, religion and ethnic group as heroes and leaders in the search for peace. Shalom-SCCRR emphasizes their involvement in all stages in the conflict transformation process: the planning, implementation and reconstruction stages at local, regional and national levels.

Shalom-SCCRR has been honored to work with women in some of the most volatile regions and socially deprived areas of East Africa to enhance and strengthen their capacity with knowledge, skills and techniques in conflict transformation and peacebuilding.

To all women who have survived conflict against all the odds, who work fearlessly to rebuild families, communities and war-torn societies with ingenious and creative ways, in making the world a better place, Shalom-SCCRR truly celebrates and congratulates you.

Happy International Women’s Day to you ALL.

Shalom Center

Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - contact Fr. Oliver Noonan for more information.

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