See the interview of Enda O’Coineen and Pat Falvey with Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine, Shalom-SCCRR’s International Chairman, on Shalom’s Conflict Transformation, Peacebuilding, Women Empowerment and School/ Educational Development Interventions in Eastern Africa.

Check out the video of Enda O’Coineen atop Mt. Kilimanjaro expressing his support and solidarity for Shalom’s transformative work in Eastern Africa. Inspired by the work of Shalom-SCCRR, Enda invited more people to support and join Shalom’s vision and mission.

Below is an article in the British Post on the Kilimanjaro Challenge:

Our Kilimanjaro Challenge: Supporting the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR) and Meeting Irish Business Interests in Nairobi.

To contribute to the work of Shalom-SCCRR, Enda O’Coineen’s GoFundMe page is open: