As the general elections in Kenya draw closer, Kenyans must remember, more than ever, that this is an opportunity where they get choose leaders who will be at their service. Shalom has conducted various workshops on election preparedness and now it is time for the people to express their democratic right and choose their preferred leadership. Let the outcome of this process bear peaceful, positive and just fruits for the betterment of all Kenyans.
“Shalom has worked diligently with the Kenyan people to ensure a peaceful, just and transparent election process leading to the acceptance of credible results. We pray that Peace and Justice prevails”: SCCRR Executive Director – Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine

Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine

Shalom Staff

Shalom Management (LTR)- Fr.Oliver Noonan, Dr. Peterlinus Ouma, Mr. Godfrey Okoth and Mr. Paulson Erot
“Peace is a treasured gift that all of us need to seek and preserve in these days of national elections. Our right to vote and to have free and fair election is a democratic one. This is a time we should help each other to look beyond our differences and raise ourselves up to look for what we as human beings hold in common – an innate desire to live in peace and harmony in Kenya”: SCCRR Country Director – Oliver Noonan
“We urge Kenyans to not only continue to preach Peace but to practice Peace before, during and after the elections. Let us not be torn apart based on our differences but rather look towards leadership that will insist on national unity. Let our differences be our strength for the benefit of all Kenyans. Together we are stronger”. SCCRR Management team: Dr. Peterlinus Ouma- Deputy Country director, Godfrey Okoth- Program Manager, Paulson Erot- Assistant Program Manager

Research and M&E Department; (LTR) Mr. Francis Thuita Mwangi, Prof. Omoka and Mr. Arthur Magero
“Kenyans, let us experience harmony, love, satisfaction and cohesion as we head to the general elections. We must remember that Kenya is greater than any individuals’ interests, and as we vote and even after the election, let this be our guiding principle”. SCCRR Research and Monitoring and Evaluation department – Prof. Wanakayi Omoka, Francis Mwangi and Arthur Magero
“Elections in any nation present an opportunity for citizens to reflect and appreciate their shared identity to exercise their social responsibility to the state by voting to elect their leaders. Kenyans must prove that they can rise above ethnic, religious, political and cultural differences and embrace the spirit of peace before, during and after the general elections”: SCCRR Interns Jude Ilo and Esther Kibe

SCCRR Interns Esther Kibe and Jude Ilo