Shalom-SCCRR joins the world in celebrating International WOMEN’s Day this week. As an organization, our mission is to prevent and transform all forms of manifest and structural violence inflicted on human life. We acknowledge that violent environments generate enormous suffering with women disproportionately bearing the brunt more often than not.
The social conditions and challenges that women face on a daily basis in impoverished urban informal settlements (slums) and other marginalized remote semi-arid terrains of Eastern Africa are extremely arduous and protracted. Consequently, there is dire need for women’s active participation and engagement in peacebuilding and decision-making processes.

Since its founding, Shalom-SCCRR has focused on addressing issues of women’s right to their dignity, safety and security. Shalom-SCCRR actively trains and engages hundreds of women influential opinion shapers in working towards breaking the vicious cycle of conflict in these locations. Through intensive and focused empowerment, we aim to create opportunities for women so they can be architects of their own security, sustainable peace and development.
We acknowledge that the role in women in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding can never be underestimated. Through our continued interventions in 36 different conflict environs, we are pleased to note that there is more women participation as negotiators in peace processes among traditional ethnic communities (43% participation) in contexts where peace processes have been a preserve of the men. We recognize women’s invariable contribution to conflict transformation and peacebuilding. Shalom-SCCRR renews its commitment to working for positive peace and sustainable development for all.

May WOMEN be blessed by God’s Spirit all around the world.
Happy International WOMEN’s Day to you ALL.
Ms. Esther Njeri Kibe MA, Shalom-SCCRR, Communications Department/Project Officer
Mrs. Judith Akedi Otsieno MA, Shalom-SCCRR, Lead Project Officer (SEC)
Relevant Links:
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2022). Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children: Concept Document. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/eastern-africa-shalom-empowerment-center-sec-addressing-violence-against-women-and-children-concept-document/
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2023). Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) 2022 Results & Achievements. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/shalom-empowerment-center-sec-2022-results-and-achievements/
- Otsieno, J. & Kibe, E. (2022). Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children: A Unique Shalom-SCCRR Initiative Opened. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/shalom-empowerment-center-sec-addressing-violence-against-women-and-children-a-unique-shalom-sccrr-initiative-opened/
- Tembo, E. (2023). St. Josphat’s House (Kabiria-Riruta), A Place To Go; Some Shalom-SCCRR Projects in Action. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/st-josphats-house-kabiria-riruta-a-place-to-go-some-shalom-sccrr-projects-in-action/
- 2022 Shalom-SCCRR Results and Achievements. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/2022-shalom-sccrr-results-and-achievements-2/
- Wamae, J. (2020). Shalom-SCCRR’s Contribution to Women in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/shalom-sccrrs-contribution-to-women-in-conflict-transformation-and-peacebuilding/
- Awed, A. (2021). The Girl-Child: Shalom-SCCRR Impacting Education & the Lives of Young Girls in Marginalized and Remote Locations in Eastern Africa. https://shalomconflictcenter.org/the-girl-child-shalom-sccrr-impacting-the-lives-of-young-girls-in-marginalized-and-remote-locations-in-eastern-africa/
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2023). Prof. Wanakayi K. Omoka’s Understanding of the Philosophy and Work of Shalom-SCCRR Recollected; Augmented with 2022 Results by the Dept. of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL). https://shalomconflictcenter.org/recalling-prof-wanakayi-k-omoka-phd-understanding-of-the-philosophy-and-work-of-shalom-sccrr-augmented-with-2022-shalom-sccrrs-achievements-and-results/