

By October 23, 2017 No Comments

SCCRR facilitator with youth groups from Kariobangi, Nairobi

Through its election preparedness framework, SHALOM -SCCRR has engaged communities in different parts of the country in training and action plans geared towards creating greater tolerance and cohesion before and during election periods as well as laying the seeds for possible reconciliation and conflict resolution skills in the post-election periods.

Through the collaborative efforts between SCCRR and Caritas Nairobi, which is the development arm of the Archdiocese of Nairobi, the key community leaders from these slums and many impoverished urban settlement have been equipped with a basic conflict analysis, prevention of election violence techniques and peacebuilding techniques.

Ongoing Election Preparedness with stakeholders from Kibera, Nairobi

They were enhanced with understandings of conflict paradigms, conflict transformation, institutional preparations, and reconciliation as a way of enriching their analysis of the factors that might contribute towards violent conflict in this election, how to transform those factors to avert the violence, and how to coexist regardless of the election outcome in the post-election period.  In a letter to Shalom from Caritas Nairobi on October 9th, in reference to the peaceful election process in August this year and the buildup to the re-run of the election later this month, some of the points they emphasized were;


  1. An appreciation for the growing partnership with SCCRR in the expansion of peacebuilding activities in informal settlements in Nairobi and also in the implementation of activities geared towards Election Preparedness targeting inter-ethnic vulnerable communities;
  2. An appreciation of SCCRR’s community activities that include the analysis of the conflict situation in the locality and designing of community driven initiatives for response to resulting factors;
  3. Recognition of the significant impact of peacebuilding on the ground that has sustained the coexistence of inter-ethnic groups in communities;
  4. Sincere gratitude to Fr. Patrick Devine – the Chairman, Fr. Oliver Noonan – the Country Director and Godfrey Okoth – the Program Manager, and Joyce Wamae & Paulson Erot – the assistant Program Managers, for their efforts in initiating the partnership and activating the peacebuilding intervention for the benefit of the relevant communities.

    Ongoing Election Preparedness with Inter-religious groups from Mathare, Nairobi


We express our appreciation to Sr. Mary Mbaci – Director, Caritas Nairobi.

With the re-run of the Presidential Election taking place this week in Kenya, Shalom continues with activities of Election Preparedness, monitoring the situation on the ground, and doing its utmost to ensure Peace prevails throughout the country.


Godfrey Okoth, Program Manager and Mary Koech, Program Officer

Shalom Center

Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - contact Fr. Oliver Noonan for more information.

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