
Meet Shalom’s Interns

By August 5, 2017 No Comments

Ms. Esther Njeri Kibe holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) from Kampala International University. She is a student of Masters of Arts in History at Kenyatta University and currently at the verge of completing a Masters program in Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR) in Nairobi Kenya, a constituent of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Esther Kibe-SCCRR Intern

The exposure and experiences in peace studies enabled her to interact with various peace practitioners. She has been enrolled in the Shalom internship program allowing her to expand her knowledge and experience. “Shalom’s vision of tackling the root causes of conflict and its holistic approach in transforming conflicts in the horn of Africa are my greatest motivations to join this great team,” Esther states. Certainly, the practical experience and environment will help nurture her desire towards working for peace.


Ilo Jude Nnamdi is a Nigerian National residing in Nairobi, Kenya. He gained a Bachelors of Arts degree in Philosophy in Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, an affiliate university of the Urban University Rome, Italy and University of Ibadan respectively. His burning desire to understand the underlying causes of protracted conflicts in various nations of the African continent and globally and the impacts of conflict on humanity, spurred him to enroll in a Masters’ of Arts degree program in Peace Studies and International Relations at Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR) Nairobi, a constituent of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, where is expecting to graduate at the end of the year.

Jude Ilo-SCCRR Intern

The knowledge gained from the Masters degree program in the above mentioned field of study encouraged him to explore for an establishment that works in the area of conflict resolution at different levels of advocacy and whose methodology and approach has a higher prospect of achieving the desired goal. Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR) has given him an opportunity through its internship program to practically apply this knowledge on the ground.

Jude added, “The methodology used in Shalom has proven to be the panacea to the management and resolution of most conflicts in the East Africa. During this internship program, I am hoping that through my instrumentality, other institutions in various regions of Africa and beyond, working in the area of peacebuilding will consider adopting Shaloms’ methodology and approach to conflict resolution and Reconciliation, a giant step towards achieving global peace and development.”




Shalom Center

Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - contact Fr. Oliver Noonan for more information.

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