

By November 15, 2018 No Comments

“Evaluation of SCCRR projects goes on”

Fr. Oliver Noonan, M.A., SCCRR’s Country Director, a teacher and some pupils from Loya Primary School, Loima Sub County, Turkana County posing for a photo during a visit to the Shalom funded project

Shalom continues its project evaluation exercise by conducting evaluation meetings with 8 peace committees in 2 counties in Northern Kenya.  There are monitoring, evaluation and learning  sessions with pupils, teachers and parents from 11 schools in a bid to see and hear the benefits of Shalom’s work to the various target beneficiaries as part of the documentation of our achievements in the year 2018.

In addition to this, it is worth noting that prior planning is key to the success of project implementation. In the second half of November and the first half of December 2018, a section of SCCRR’s team members retreat to the offices in Nairobi to develop the 2019 program activity implementation plans for the 31 project areas that are targeted by SCCRR in the implementation of the peacebuilding and development projects in the year 2019.

SCCRR’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Research team is putting a very analytical approach into the project evaluation process and it is expected that other than demonstrating the extent of positive contribution that this work has brought forth in the pursuit of positive peace, the findings will also help in generating lessons that will be helpful in informing the design of SCCRR projects as we move into 2019.

National Police Reservists (NPR) and Community Policing Members conducting a Natural Resource Management (NRM) community awareness forum in Lokitonyala, West Pokot County facilitated by Shalom


The development projects will focus in the actualization and completion of phase 3 projects in ten (10) inter-ethnic and inter religious schools in Samburu, Marsabit and Turkana Counties. The schools benefiting from the ongoing interventions are:

  1. Parkati Primary School, Morijo Mixed Secondary School and Girgir Primary School in Samburu County.
  2. Loya Primary School, Nayanae Kabaran Primary School, Lorugum Nursery School, Kaputiro Primary School and Kakong Primary School in Turkana County.
  3. El-Buru Magado Primary School and Arapal Primary School in Marsabit County.

The pupils and students from these conflict environs through the development projects of Shalom and the local communities contributions are benefiting with the provision of teaching and learning materials, building and renovation of classrooms, supplying facilities such as solar lighting systems and their accessories, teaching and learning materials such as text books, desks, tables and chairs and medical, water projects and sanitary facilities for both boys and girls.

These projects positively impact on pupils and students’ lives rekindling their hopes and dreams of fruitful futures as they will able to access and experience better education opportunities. The target schools through the support from Shalom will register increased enrollment and high retention of pupils and students prepared and committed to transform their lives through fostering peaceful intra and inter-ethnic relations and promotion of coexistence among communities. Shalom is driven by the fact that sustainable peace depends largely on the intellectual and moral solidarity as such the continued intervention among different conflicting communities.

The ultimate goal of Shalom is to ensure that there is well being and mutual concern on the peace and development among the community members living in conflict environments. Our continued gratitude to the very skilled Shalom team, supplemented by the continuous participation and guidance of Fr. Oliver Noonan, M.A, Country Director and Fr. Patrick Devine, Ph.D. The unwavering commitment and skillful expertise of the team that are working towards the implementation of Shalom’s Peace and Development program is contributing immensely towards community empowerment, to a non-comparable degree.

As we take the last phase of the field activities across our project areas, Shalom continues to express to all our partners and people of good will that our peacebuilding and development activities are positively changing lives among communities that we work with. On behalf of the Shalom team, we like to thank all of you who tirelessly support this noble course by making it possible for all of us here to support the peacebuilding and development efforts among the conflicting communities in Kenya and beyond.

By SCCRR Program Management Team & Peace Development Projects Officer:

Godfrey Okoth Onyango, M.A., Program Manager

Joyce Wamae Kamau, M.A., Assistant Program Manager, Peace Education and Development

Paulson Tadeo Erot, M.A., Assistant Program Manager, Peacebuilding Program

Austin Ngacha Macharia, M.A., Program Officer (Education/Development Projects)


Shalom Center

Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - contact Fr. Oliver Noonan for more information.

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