The transformation of inter-ethnic conflict environments and attaining positive peace remains the main motivation of Shalom’s work in all its project areas in the Kenya and the Eastern Africa greater region. This positive impact is based and enshrined in believing that for long lasting peacebuilding and sustainable development the people in the communities have to be involved, as peace and development are inseparable as noted by the former United Nations Secretary General Koffi Annan, “ You cannot have peace without security and you cannot have security without inclusive development.’’
Shalom’s work is underpinned by the belief that “peace is a bedrock for educational development which in turn is not only essential but inspires and stabilizes peace processes” as noted by Fr. Patrick Devine Ph.D, (International SCCRR Chairman).
Through our Projects this year so far, we have implemented 13 Education Projects and 20 more are in the process in different inter-ethnic and inter-religious schools in Kenya’s Northern region including Samburu, Turkana, West Pokot and Marsabit Counties. Our support to these schools includes, text books, laboratory equipment, building school facilities fully equipping them with modern school furniture (desks and lockers), and fully accessorized solar panels.

Shalom Program Manager, Mr. Godfrey Okoth (M.A) together with Turkwel Location Chief as he presented materials for the completion of construction of four classroom at Turkwel Gorge Mixed Secondary School at the border of Turkana and Pokot conflict zone
The commitment to achieving this is articulated in one of Shalom’s key objective that purposes on developing inter-ethnic and inter-religious schools and institutions, designing and promoting peace education syllabus and the provision of quality educational material in areas of former entrenched violent conflict. These initiatives in schools and communities has led to Shalom supporting different school projects and providing infrastructural support for social amenities and services in the communities. This intervention has led to the rebuilding of destroyed classrooms and other school facilities and while other schools have received educational materials. To the community at large this has created and restored relationships fostering peaceful co-existence.
Through these projects, we have created a better teaching and learning environment enhancing: pupil’s enrollment, retention, and improved academic performance. Our preference in our inter-ethnic and inter-religious schools is because we are able to promote co-existence through learning and shared activities. Our approach is participatory in the sense that the beneficiary communities contribute in the implementation process. Furthermore, joint development projects creates opportunities to enhance perceptions, shared-visions and institutional implementation at the ideological and functional project levels – this is realized in schools and other community institutions we engage in our projects.
SCCRR prides in its achievements in fostering peace through these projects and we are grateful to all who supported our efforts in ensuring peace prevails in these conflict prone regions. This support has continued to strengthen our resolve and commitment in working towards restoring a peaceful co-existence among conflicting communities in Kenya and neighboring Eastern Africa countries.
Mr. Austin Ngacha, M.A., B.A.; Project Officer – Education/Development Projects
Ms. Esther Kibe, M.A., B.A.; Head of Communication Department