Chief Nathan Ekal states that ‘‘the persistent conflicts and marginalization in these areas have to a great extent challenged the communities’ progression and development. Moreover, Covid-19 has also made implacable challenges to the inadequate health facilities in these harsh environs.’’
Health centers are few in this part of the country and those available can barely meet a fraction of the needs of the communities. We often travel to other far areas for better treatment. Mr. Eleman Korobe

According to Paulson Erot MA, ‘‘Shalom-SCCRR is not only impacting on Peace and Security among different project areas entrenched in conflict but also on the health of marginalized and vulnerable communities, under Shalom-SCCRR’s Humanitarian/Negative peace/Development/Positive peace model. In the year 2020, Shalom-SCCRR funded the training of 32 health care workers; provided 27 health centers with medical and Covid-19 focused Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) reaching a population of over 500,000 people; and supported 2 children rescue centers with essential necessities. St. Elizabeth Health Center is one among the many other health facilities who have benefitted from Shalom-SCCRR interventions in Eastern Africa.’’ (https://shalomconflictcenter.org/2020-shalom-sccrr-peacebuilding-and-educational-health-development-achievements/)
Sr. Pascalia Chiro, the hospital administrator acknowledging the change in the community following Shalom-SCCRR’s support noting that the provision of solar systems to the health center has had a great bearing to the full time access to health services. She also added that community members no longer have to wait till day break for them to access health services and they also don’t have to travel to distant centers in order to have tests done––with power in the center laboratory testing can be done in the facility.
Strong adequate health care systems are crucial and basic necessity for all human beings. Health care systems for pastoral communities in northern Kenya are inadequate and barely meet the basic needs of the community. The dilapidated health care system is a major problem to the daily struggle for life, further exacerbated by different factors among them conflict, poverty, marginalization, bad climatic circumstances just to mention a few. Health inequalities have significant social and economic costs to the extent that they limit people’s ability to realise their full potential in terms of participating effectively in community, social, economic and political life.

St. Elizabeth health center was supported with ward facilities, solar systems and various medical supplies such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), masks, sanitizers, gowns and gloves to protect and curb the spreading of Covid-19 pandemic among the medical personnel and the community members. (https://shalomconflictcenter.org/shalom-sccrr-peace-and-development-practitioners-on-the-forefront-in-the-community-based-fight-against-the-covid-19/)

Lorgum area in Turkana County has limited electricity power making medical operations and procedures difficult especially during the night.

The medical personnel were very grateful to Shalom-SCCRR and all its donors for the support to the center during the Covid -19 pandemic.
Mr. Alex, the chief nurse stating that ‘‘the pandemic has left the community more vulnerable owing to the high poverty level, but with the provided supplies they were able to distribute the masks to the community to help them protect themselves.” He further underscores that ‘‘the supplies were very timely and they have helped us protect ourselves and the community members we work with. However, he noted that there is need for more support as the community is solely dependent on the health facility for masks and sanitary facilities.’’

The peace dividends are also having a great bearing on the conflict situations in the region as the community members realize that the developments in their area are actually possible because of the peace in the region. Ms. Anne Losiya, a resident in the area also points out that the availability of health services in the area has had a positive impact in the community who value peace more as they acknowledge that this is only possible because of the reduced conflict in the region. She further notes that “there is a positive change especially among the elders who are championing for the maintenance of peace through different forums––they are continually emphasising that its only by community ownership of peace processes that the area and region can achieve any sustainable development.
Sustainable development is achievable once the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Positive peace and sustainable development in conflict environments and post-conflict regions is possible once the factual approaches are applied. Shalom-SCCRR will continue supporting communities towards their socio-political sustainability by improving their welfare and quality of life by enhancing their access to basic services among them health.
It is acts of love, compassion and generosity from all our supporters and donors that help Shalom-SCCRR provide the necessary support to the impoverished, vulnerable and marginalised communities in the Eastern Africa.

Relevant links:
2020 – Shalom-SCCRR Peacebuilding and Educational/Health Development Achievements
Shalom-SCCRR Prayer: Overcoming Covid-19 Pandemic
Overcoming Covid-19 Pandemic
Loving God, Lord of Life and Holiness, your desire is for our wellbeing and human security.
We embrace in prayer and empathy the collective suffering of humanity at this time.
We lament loved ones departed and vulnerable lives threatened.
We are anxious for our neighbours and ourselves, facing an uncertain future.
We pray … may wisdom and compassion, not fear, fan forth.
Gracious God, enlighten us, our leaders and medical professionals to discern and act wisely for the common good.
Thank you God for the charity of so many who risk their lives in the service of the sick and the provision of essential services for all.
May we be faithful to the behavioral and medical advice provided.
Inspire us to be generous in our proactive care and solidarity.
Call us to profound realization and trust in your faithful presence and guidance.
You, the God of mercy and peace who does not abandon.
(Fr. Patrick Devine, PhD, Shalom–SCCRR, International Chairman)
Sala dhidi ya Janga la Covid-19
Mungu utupendaye, Bwana wa Uhai na Utakatifu, mapenzi yako daima yanahusu uhai na usalama wetu sisi binadamu.
Tunashirikiana pamoja kwa maombi ya huruma kwa ajili ya binadamu wanaoteseka wakati huu.
Tunaomboleza kwa ajili ya wapendwa wetu ambao wametuacha na pia kwa maisha ya wengine yaliyomo hatarini.
Tuna wasiwasi kwa ajili ya jirani zetu na kwa ajili yetu sisi wenyewe tunapokabiliwa na hatima isiyotabirika.
Tunaomba kwako busara na utunzaji, si hofu, vituimarishe.
Ee Mungu wa neema, utupe hekima sisi, viongozi wetu na wahudumu wa afya, ili tujitolee kwa matendo yetu ya busara kwa ajili ya manufaa ya wote.
Tunakushukuru wewe Mungu kwa ajili ya upendo wa watu wengi wanaohatarisha maisha yao kuwahudumia wagonjwa na kutoa mahitaji muhimu kwa wote.
Utuimarishe tuwe waaminifu kwa ushauri wa kitabia na kiafya tunaopewa.
Utuhamasishe tuwe wakarimu kwa kuhuduma zetu na kwa kushikamana na wengine.
Tuvute ili tutambue kwa kina na kuamini uwepo na uongozi wako kati yetu.
Wewe uliye Mungu wa huruma na amani usiyewaacha waja wako.
(Fr. Patrick Devine, PhD, Shalom–SCCRR, International Chairman)

Asha Said Awed, MA
Shalom-SCCRR Program Assistant
Nairobi, Marsabit & Turkana-West Pokot Projects

Esther Njeri Kibe, MA
Shalom-SCCRR Program Officer
Marsabit & Turkana-West Pokot Projects