Ms Margarita Gomez (WB), Ms. Wendy Ayres (WB), Mr. Johan Mistiaen (WB) with SCCRR Staff at the World Bank offices in Nairobi.
The World Bank Group office in Nairobi and the Shalom have engaged in an important dialogue on peacebuilding methodology and research. Last fall, delegation headed by Fr. Patrick Devine, Executive Chairman and Fr. Oliver Noonan, Country Director, visited the World Bank Group office in Nairobi on the invitation of Johan Mistiaen, Senior Economist with the World Bank. The team was invited to provide an introductory presentation and overview of the SCCRR mission, methodology, research and peacebuilding/development nexus in Kenya. The presentation was very well received.

Fr. Patrick Devine presents Shalom’s model to World Bank officials.
In a follow-up letter (below), Mr. Mistiaen wrote that he hoped Shalom could “engage further in the forthcoming Country Partnership Framework for Kenya” with the ultimate goal of making the World Bank’s country model more “systematic, evidence-based, selective and focused on the goals of ending extreme poverty and increasing shared prosperity in a sustainable manner.”
Other consultations have been on-going between Shalom and the World Bank with a visitation from a number of key people to SCCRR offices to discuss other issues in which cooperation can be facilitated. Ms. Alys M. Willman, a Senior Violence Prevention Specialist from the World Bank’s office in Washington D.C, accompanied Ms. Neelam Verjee and Mr. Stephen Mogaka from the Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group to gather information of SCCRR’s experience of working in Northern Kenya. They are presently conducting a violence mapping exercise in Kenya and were keen to exchange ideas and information with Shalom.
According to Fr. Devine, both the World Bank and Shalom will pursue further avenues for partnerships aimed at peacebuilding, ending extreme poverty and increasing shared prosperity in a sustainable manner.

The Shalom and World Bank in close discussion on peacebuilding for Kenya.

Letter from Johan Mistiaen, Senior Economist with the World Bank.