Overcoming Covid-19 Pandemic

Loving God, Lord of Life and Holiness, your desire is for our wellbeing and human security.

We embrace in prayer and empathy the collective suffering of humanity at this time.

We lament loved ones departed and vulnerable lives threatened.

We are anxious for our neighbours and ourselves, facing an uncertain future.

We pray … may wisdom and compassion, not fear, fan forth.

Gracious God, enlighten us, our leaders and medical professionals to discern and act wisely for the common good.

Thank you God for the charity of so many who risk their lives in the service of the sick and the provision of essential services for all.

May we be faithful to the behavioral and medical advice provided.

Inspire us to be generous in our proactive care and solidarity.

Call us to profound realization and trust in your faithful presence and guidance.

You, the God of mercy and peace who does not abandon.

(Fr. Patrick Devine, PhD, Shalom–SCCRR, International Chairman)

Sala dhidi ya Janga la Covid-19

Mungu utupendaye, Bwana wa Uhai na Utakatifu, mapenzi yako daima yanahusu uhai na usalama wetu sisi binadamu.

Tunashirikiana pamoja kwa maombi ya huruma kwa ajili ya binadamu wanaoteseka wakati huu.

Tunaomboleza kwa ajili ya wapendwa wetu ambao wametuacha na pia kwa maisha ya wengine yaliyomo hatarini.

Tuna wasiwasi kwa ajili ya jirani zetu na kwa ajili  yetu sisi wenyewe tunapokabiliwa na hatima isiyotabirika.

Tunaomba kwako busara na utunzaji, si hofu, vituimarishe.

Ee Mungu wa neema, utupe hekima sisi, viongozi wetu na wahudumu wa afya, ili tujitolee kwa matendo yetu ya busara kwa ajili ya manufaa ya wote.

Tunakushukuru wewe Mungu kwa ajili ya upendo wa watu wengi wanaohatarisha maisha yao kuwahudumia wagonjwa na  kutoa mahitaji muhimu kwa wote.

Utuimarishe tuwe waaminifu kwa ushauri wa kitabia na kiafya tunaopewa.

Utuhamasishe tuwe wakarimu kwa kuhuduma zetu na kwa kushikamana na wengine.

Tuvute ili tutambue kwa kina na kuamini uwepo na uongozi wako kati yetu.

Wewe uliye Mungu wa huruma na amani usiyewaacha waja wako.

(Fr. Patrick Devine, PhD, Shalom–SCCRR, International Chairman)


Shalom Center

Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - contact Fr. Oliver Noonan for more information.

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