Conflict ResolutionEthiopiaKenyaTrainingWorkshops

Updates from the field: Conflict Management Workshop On The Kenyan-Ethiopian Border

The Dassenach-Turkana Conflict

For the past three years, our team of conflict-resolution experts have been training members of the Dassenach and Turkana communities in conflict management.

The Dassenach and Turkana communities are currently suffering from famine, which has led to numerous deaths and the displacement of large groups of people in search of food. As nomadic pastoralists, both communities rely on their livestock in order to feed themselves and their families. In recent years, conflict between the two communities has greatly intensified due the disappearance of grasslands and arable lands that provide food for animals in the area.

Peace Building Workshops in Sies

Our team on the ground have been holding separate peace building workshops in a village on the Kenya and Ethiopian border called Sies. The pictures featured below are from our most recent workshops in the area. Our hope is for the Dassenach and Turkana communities to come together and create a future where they are able to peacefully co-exist.

Pictures of recent conflict-management workshops on the Kenyan-Ethiopian border:
Turkana women attend conflict management workshopConflict management workshopGroup shot conflict management workshopLarge group shot conflict management workshop

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