These Achievements are the result of our Peacebuilding and Rigorous Research Interventions transforming Violent Inter-Ethnic Conflict, Religious Ideological Extremism, Violence against Women and Children, Prevention of Human and Organ Trafficking and School/Educational Infrastructural Development in 36 conflict environments – semi-arid remote terrains and impoverished urban informal settlements (slums) of Eastern Africa where Shalom-SCCRR works.
Below are the specific humanitarian-peace-development outputs – January through December 2024 – were as given below: –
- 61 School/Educational Development Project Interventions, benefitting 15,477 students in 56 institutions.
- 245 Workshops on Conflict Transformation analytical skills and Peacebuilding techniques (including 98 for women suffering acute violence) in 36 Conflict Zones.
- 3,047 Influential Opinion Shapers trained with Conflict Transformation Skills – Peacebuilding Techniques transforming Inter-Tribal Conflict and Religious Ideological Extremism.
- 2,580 Women from Urban Informal Settlements (Slums) trained in Conflict Transformation skills and Peacebuilding Techniques addressing Violence against Women and Children.
- 2,232 Women experiencing acute violence living in Slums, supported with Holistic Livelihood Resilience Capacity through 98 training workshops.
- 18,000+ Pupils and Students benefiting from the Shalom-SCCRR Peace Education Pilot Syllabus implemented in primary and secondary Schools located in violent conflict zones.
- A New Program in 2024 launched, Preventing and Countering Human and Organ Trafficking.
Shalom-SCCRR 15 Year Interventions

School Educational Development Projects

Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Interventions

Shalom-SCCRR Women Empowerment work in the Urban Informal Settlements (Slums)

Children Peace Education Training workshops in schools located in Conflict Environments

Rev. Dr. Patrick. R. Devine – Shalom-SCCRR International Executive Chairman
Rev. Dr. Oliver Noonan – Shalom-SCCRR Executive Director
Mr. Godfrey Okoth, MA (PhD Candidate) – Shalom-SCCRR Senior Project Officer
Mr. Francis Mwangi, MA – Shalom-SCCRR Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning Officer (MERL)
Ms. Esther Kibe, MA – Shalom-SCCRR Women’s Project Officer & Communications Department
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2024). 2024 Irish Charity Impact Report.
- Moran, M. (2024). Irish Missionary plays leading role in Tangaza University, Kenya.
- Kibe, E. (2024). Inaugural Graduation Ceremony of Tangaza University; Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine’s Immense Contribution to the Institution’s Development Applauded.
- Kibe, E. & Osiro, M. (2024). Shalom-SCCRR’s Vital Role in Addressing All Acts of Violence Against Women and Children.
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2024). World Children’s Day 2024. Shalom-SCCRR Transforming Children’s Lives Through Education and Peace-Building.
- Mwangi, F., Noonan, O., & Devine, P.R. (2024). Recent Peace Results and Shalom-SCCRR School/Educational Developments Projects.
- Okoth G., (2024). Shalom-SCCRR’s Transformative Approach to Manifest and Structural Violence Takes Root on the Kenyan Coast.
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2024). Shalom-SCCRR Recent Conflict Transformation Successes.
- Magero, A. (2024). The Successes of Shalom Conflict Transformation and School Educational Development Transformative Interventions in Molo and Kuresoi Sub-Counties in Nakuru County, Kenya.
- Akedi, J. (2024). Nairobi Slums’ Structures for Conflict Transformation: Shalom-SCCRR-trained Negotiation and Community Facilitators (CFs) Continue to Initiate Village/Ward-Level Forums for their Leaders to Negotiate Communal Conflicts.
- Macharia, A. (2024). Bridging Ethnic Divides: How Shalom-SCCRR’s Grassroots Initiatives Fostered Peace Between Turkana and Pokot Communities.
- Noonan, O., Okoth G., & Kibe, E. (2024). The Intergovernmental Agency for Development (IGAD) and Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR): MoUs Operationalized in Peace and Development.
- Butler, J. (Oct, 2023). Harvard Kennedy School; A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine and Paula Soumaya Domit.
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2024). January – June 2024, Shalom-SCCRR Achievements Summary.
- Magero, A., & Mwangi, F. (2024). Shalom-SCCRR School and Educational Institutions along the Kisumu-Nandi Borderline in Kenya contributed immensely to its Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Mediation. http://Transformation and Peacebuilding Mediation.
- Domit, P. S. & Devine, P. (2024).Shalom Center For Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR): Addressing the Violence of Human and Organ Trafficking.