By: Esther Kibe MA & Moses Osiro MA,
Shalom-SCCRR joins the world in commemorating this period of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the commencement of the 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence as we UNITE TO END Violence against Women!
We recognize and acknowledge that violence against women and children is one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world, and this scourge knows no social, economic or national boundaries. Moreover, manifest and structural violent conflict often exposes and exacerbates the general gender-based inequalities and intense gender discrimination within society. The net effect of these gender disparities translates to women and children being the most destructively affected in conflict situations.
Since its founding, Shalom has focused on addressing women’s rights to dignity, safety and security. We believe that social protection systems and formation institutions for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are needed to ensure that the lives and dignity of women and their children are esteemed, valued, and protected.
The Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC), addressing violence against women and children ─ a vital outreach program of the Shalom -SCCRR is at the forefront of addressing the issues of gender violence against women and children. With its highly qualified staff, this center was founded in 2021, after conducting in-depth research within 10 urban informal settlements/slums in Nairobi. The center gives special attention to all forms of manifest and structural violence, inter-ethnic, inter-religious, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence (harassment, exploitation and abuse), early and forced marriage, female genital mutilation, femicide, and human and organ trafficking, psychological violence, among others, prevalent in Nairobi’s informal settlements (slums) as well as the remote marginalized areas in Northern Kenya. (SEC Concept Document)
Since its inception, the Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) has made significant strides in its mission to empower and safeguard women to break the vicious cycle of violent conflict. SEC has successfully empowered 3,410 women residing in urban informal settlements/slums and conflict-prone regions, equipping them with crucial analytical skills, conflict transformation aptitudes, and effective peacebuilding techniques. An additional 3,875 have directly benefited from workshops on holistic economic livelihood resilience capacity, life skills, and other relevant courses essential for addressing both manifest and structural violence. (2023 Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children Results and Achievements.)
Shalom-SCCRR-engaged women are aware of their human rights and dignity, which entails their safety and security and are agents of transforming the critical drivers of violence against women and children in their localities.
We are committed to bringing about positive change in the lives of women in vulnerable communities, fostering their empowerment and resilience against various forms of violence and ensuring their roles as leaders become evident and respected always.
#NoExcuse. UNITE to End Violence Against Women
Esther Njeri Kibe MA, Shalom-SCCRR, Women & Marsabit Projects Officer
Moses Osiro MA, Shalom-SCCRR Projects Assistant
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2022). Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children: Concept Document.
- Moran, M. (2022). Shalom Empowerment Center opens in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Otsieno, J. (2023). Empowering Women, Building Peace: Launching Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) addressing Violence against Women and Children in Lodwar, North Western Kenya.
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2024). Shalom-SCCRR Condemns Femicide and All Acts of Violence Against Women.
- Shalom-SCCRR. (2023). 2023 Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children Results and Achievements.
- Otsieno, J. & Kibe, E. (2022). Shalom Empowerment Center (SEC) Addressing Violence against Women and Children: A Unique Shalom-SCCRR Initiative Opened.
- Tembo, E. (2023). St. Josphat’s House (Kabiria-Riruta), A Place To Go; Some Shalom-SCCRR Projects in Action.
- Otsieno, J. (2023). Empowering Women to Transform Conflict with Expertise: Shalom-SCCRR’s Initiatives in Conflict-Affected Areas of Northern Kenya.
- Kibe, E & Otsieno, J. (2023). Shalom-SCCRR continues to Empower Women with Conflict Analytical Skills and Peacebuilding Techniques in Marginalized Environments.
- Wamae, J. (2020). Shalom-SCCRR’s Contribution to Women in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding.
- Awed, A. (2021). The Girl-Child: Shalom-SCCRR Impacting Education & the Lives of Young Girls in Marginalized and Remote Locations in Eastern Africa.
- Devine, P. (2024). Chairman’s Report for 2023; Rev. Dr. Patrick Devine.